Traveling as a Tennis Player: What You Need to Know

Traveling as a Tennis Player

You’re probably aware that playing tennis can be an expensive sport. For example, you need a racket, at least one pair of shoes, and additional clothes depending on the season. However, what you might not realize is just how much money you spend as a player. If you play competitively or participate in league play with friends or family, your travel expenses add up quickly. Even if you don’t travel frequently for matches, there are many other costs associated with playing tennis. 

From practices and camps to tournament entry fees and equipment rentals, the costs continue to climb as you advance through the ranks of competition. But how do you manage your expenses as a player? Read on for answers to common questions about traveling as a tennis player...

Traveling as a tennis player, how to save money when traveling for tournaments.

What are the Different Types of Travel Expenses?

There are many common expenses associated with playing tennis. In fact, some players spend more on travel expenses than on their entire equipment budget. To help you better understand these expenses, we’ll break them down into different categories: tournament entry fees, practice and camp fees, transportation, medical and fitness fees, and equipment rentals. You should also keep in mind that there are many ways to save money on travel expenses. For example, you can choose to compete in smaller tournaments, avoid national competitions, and/or practice at home. If you can, try to avoid travel during the busiest seasons of the year.

How Can You Save Money on Travel Expenses as a Tennis Player?

Traveling can be very rewarding, but it has many challenges as well. The best way to save money on travel expenses is to plan ahead and prepare for them. When possible, choose tournaments that are held in major cities, in order to minimize driving costs. Map out your travel schedule, and make sure you have flexible plans in case of delays or cancellations. If you can, fly instead of driving, especially if you’re in smaller cities. If you have the option, stay in hostels or travel hotels, as they tend to be less expensive than motels. When possible, try to complete practices at home or in nearby cities or hostels, as this can save you hundreds of dollars on practice expenses.

Tips for Managing Your Travel Expenses

1) Plan ahead. When traveling to another city, try to plan your trip several weeks in advance. This will give you time to find less expensive accommodations, make travel plans, and avoid rush-hour traffic.
2) Minimize driving. This will save you hundreds of dollars each year on gas and maintenance while also reducing the risk of accidents.
3) Stay in hostels or hostel-like hotels. If you have to stay in a hotel, consider staying in a hostel instead. Hostels are often cheaper than hotels, provide more social interaction, and tend to be cleaner and safer.
4) Shop for Group Travel Discounts. Many companies offer group travel discounts, which can save you hundreds of dollars. If you belong to a professional organization or a university club, you may be eligible for these discounts.
5) Get a Business Travel Card. If you travel regularly for work, consider getting a business travel card. These cards tend to come with better perks, such as free travel insurance, free upgrades, free airport lounge membership, and free airport parking.


Travel expenses are an inevitable part of playing tennis, but they don’t have to be that expensive. By planning ahead, minimizing driving, and completing practices at home, you can manage your expenses while enjoying the sport even more.